Animation Direction
In 2022 I joined a startup called Rational Animations as their Animation Director; I initially managed the efforts of 12 animators. As the company scaled over the years, I developed my skills as a leader.
The King and the Golem
A story about a paranoid king who has a golem built to be loyal.
The Goddess of Everything Else
A story about two cosmic forces: a goddess of evil creation, and a goddess that twists her creation towards good.
500 Million, But Not A Single One More
A story of humanity’s inspiring global effort to eradicate smallpox.
Sorting Pebbles Into Correct Heaps
A story about lifeforms with a society built around a very alien system of values.
How To Upload A Mind (in Three Not-So-Easy Steps)
A video which instructs on the requirements for digitizing a human brain.
Could A Single Alien Message Destroy Us?
A video which warns that opening a message from extraterrestrials might be a terrible idea.
The Parable of the Dagger
A video about a logic puzzle wrapped up in a prank.
How To Take Over the Universe (in Three Easy Steps)
A video which cheekily instructs on a maximally efficient way to conquer the entire universe automatically.
Reach Out!
Looking for a creative lead to coordinate a team? Send an email or find me on social media.
I will respond ASAP!